Our field professionals can manage, quite efficiently and promptly, and assess you, in person or by phone, about any aspect of the labour area.
Administrative management of the labour area for companies and self-employed people
- Payrolls, social insurances, contracts, affiliation, Income Tax, extensions, settlements...
- E.D. system, Contrat@, Certific@, Delt@, CoNTA
- Temporary disability processing
- Collective Agreement assurances
Job counselling
- Cost calculation
- Type of hiring, bonuses and public and private grants
- Disciplinary regime and penalties
- Work permits for foreigners
- Retirement and work incapacity studies
- Companies and self-employed inscriptions, workplace openings
- Company labour audit
- Activity reports and capitalization of the unemployment subsidy
Web service and APP (Android, iOS) to send the payrolls to the workers with password access
Socio-labour legal advice at the national level before the Social Court and the Administration
- Prior assessment before nullifying, organizational and punitive measures
- Administrative and court settlements
- Layoffs
- Redundancies, claiming of rights and amounts
- Work incapacities, retirements and other pensions
- Labour inspections
- Collective agreements interpretation